Thursday, April 09, 2009


Sabiam que a Islandia eh o unico pais que tem um Ministerio para tratar das Fairies, Elves e Hidden people?!
"Huldufólk or Hidden People, are a part of Icelandic folklore. Building projects in Iceland are sometimes altered to prevent damaging the rocks where they are believed to live. In 2004, Alcoa had to have a government expert certify that their chosen building site was huldufólk-free before they could build an aluminium smelter in Iceland. Icelandic gardens often feature tiny wooden álfhól (elf houses) for elves/hidden people to live in. In 1999 they had some difficulty in building the new connecting road to the tunnel under Hvalfjorður (Whale Fjord) to the town of Akranes. Construction equipment repeatedly broke down when it approached the boulder, which was scheduled to be moved. A local woman, known to be able to communicate with huldufolk, was called in. She reported that the spirits were preparing to vacate but needed more time. Time was granted, and the woman made a final trip to the boulder to announce that construction could recommence. Likewise, when the first shopping mall, Smáralind, was built near to the suspected dwellings of gnomes, electrical cables and other underground utilities were carefully rerouted to avoid disturbance. More in here..."

E pra terminar uma musiquinha dos...

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