The first party of the Year 2008!!!
That’s true.. The girls got together and went for our Irish New Year Party… It was a little bit late.. I know.. But on the real New Year, I was being robbed in Portugal… And Kasia was drinking Vodka in Poland… looool…
Louise couldn’t come to our big event. She was working.. Sniff… Sniff… but we made a drawing of her and we did some toasts together!!! :D:D
The party was just the same as the other ones… Got together at our place.. Try some new drinks (black vodka… they had never tried this.. they loved it!!)… Go to the Palace.. Dance a little bit… Eat something.. And walk back home!!
That’s true.. The girls got together and went for our Irish New Year Party… It was a little bit late.. I know.. But on the real New Year, I was being robbed in Portugal… And Kasia was drinking Vodka in Poland… looool…
Louise couldn’t come to our big event. She was working.. Sniff… Sniff… but we made a drawing of her and we did some toasts together!!! :D:D
The party was just the same as the other ones… Got together at our place.. Try some new drinks (black vodka… they had never tried this.. they loved it!!)… Go to the Palace.. Dance a little bit… Eat something.. And walk back home!!
By the way, my kitchen is half price from Dunnes Stores!!!
And now I’m going to make my bags because Frankfurt is waiting for me… Again.. =)
1º comentário - a Louise deve ter ADORADO a festa!! .......
2º comentário - OH MY GOD, A TUA FRANJA! =P
3º Comentário - As meninas estavam acompanhadas!! Hum... Hum....
Lipinha, mas tu ja tinhas visto a minha franja!!! looool...
Foi na passagem de ano.. ou sera que tavas tao entretida com o champagne que nao te lembras!?!? lalalala.. =)
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