Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Primeiro post com 27...

Before you start reading this bigggggggggggg post I have a warning…
It will be all written in English!!! Ah… And it’s a very long one!!!! =D

So, as you know by now, I’m one year older as last Sunday was my birthday… And which better way to celebrate this than to get together with your friends?!
Meeting point: Oxford, Pastilha’s place (also known as PT)…
Girls: Ciara from Ireland, Caroline from Belgium, Patricia from Portugal and me…
Girls last minute cancellation: Rita my actual wife and Xana from Portugal…
Boys: Pastilha as he is the owner of the house, Bruno and Nelson from London/Portugal, Mo from Oxford/Canada and Clayton from Oxford/UK…
The trip to Oxford went with no problems…
Ciara left all her credit cards in Ireland…
Caroline forgot the present that we bought for the boys in one shop in the airport…

And we were NOT drinking on the bus… From the vodka bottle which was also a present.. ops…

After we arrived we went straight to the pub… There was no time to lose!!!

Our host was one of the best..

This was our breakfast: English breakfast with sun..

What else could a girl ask for?!
Ahhh.. I know.. I good espresso!!!! =D

The morning after glow shared by the couples…
We walked around the city and saw what it had to offer…

Loved it… Loved it…

(yes... You are correct and it’s not a problem of your eyes.. There is a lad in boxers in the window enjoying the sun... :S)
And finally the big night arrived followed by after-party cake…
My birthday…
“It's my birthday.. And I cry if I want to.. Cry if I want to…lalalalala…"

(sim, eh uma tshirt do TUIST.. Nao irao oferecer uma esta ano, nao!? Eh que dava-me mesmo jeito...)

And then the weekend was over and it was time to come back home..

But we loved it…

And the bad news to PT is:

WE WILL BE BACK!!! Ahahahah..


Nice said...


Fil said...

Do que eu gostei:
- Do ar sexy do Pastilha na primeira foto em que aparece;
- Do are de sempre do Bruno;
- Da Patrícia de chapéu, está mesmo gira a caxopa!!

Do que eu não gostei:
- De não ter estado com vocês!! Buááááááá! :D

Dunguinha said...

E de mim!? Nao gostaste de mim?!


Vais dormir no chao!!! :p

Ana Romao said...

Muitos Parabéns "Dunguinha Sempre em Alta" :)
Embora atrasados, são sinceros.

Sortuda, tens uma t-shirt da TUIST.
Não é p'ra todos :P

Bjocas e até breve.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooooo the perfect weekend captured perfectly ;)!!!

Anonymous said...

fico bem de chapéu????? tou comovidaaaaaaaaaa.. senti mt a tua falta filinhaaa...beijoooo.

Fil said...

Pronto Milene, senti um pouquinho a tua falta... Ai o que eu faço pa não dormir no chão... Que os Deuses do Olimpo me perdoem por mentir!! =P

Paty, a sério, estavas mesmo gira!! :D A ver se nos reunimos de novo, pelo menos em Abril pa beb... Cof! Cof! pa conviver!!!!

Milene, não sei se reparas, mas o teu blog está-se a tornar num sítio pa eu me dedicar a tertúlias. Espero que não te importes.


Anonymous said...

TEm que ser Filizinha..lol.. Vai uma festa pijama em leiria?!!!boraaaaaa
Patrícia R

Fil said...

Já tá marcada!!!
Abril? =D

Andorinha said...

Parabéns cachopa!! Olha que os Deuses até te deram um dia de sol pelos anos! Isso é que é luxo: amigos, boa borga, e...bué SOL!:D